Saturday, July 4, 2009

Crazy AdSense Experiment: $10,000/Month

Crazy AdSense Experiment: $10,000/Month

Have you ever noticed an ad on Google that says "We have found top 4 sites for you" or "More information about ..."? These web sites usually contain nothing but plenty of Google AdSense ads and search results stolen from other search engines.

They provide ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to the users of Google, however they are still alive. Why there are so many good companies that can’t afford Google AdWords advertising while these crappy web sites buy the most expensive keywords? Moreover, these web sites are really annoying if you try to find something useful right now.

Did you know that 80%(!) of ads on insurance are MFA (Made for AdSense)? Recently we collected the database of over 40,000,000 search phrases. From 30% to 90%(!) of ads on Google for the top 1,000 most expensive keywords are MFA.

We hope that this experiment will help Google to open eyes on MFA problem. Fighting this kind of web sites will not only help us to find information we need faster.

It will reduce the cost of advertising for ethical companies. Don’t forget that Google AdWords ad ranking is based on auction system.

Less advertisers = reduced click price = happy advertisers = less profit for Google. Maybe it’s the main reason why we still see these junk web sites? In any way let’s come closer to the experiment.

Let the number of MFA web sites grow, let Google be infected until it will train its immune system. Here is a "Developing Made for AdSense Web Sites for Dummies" tutorial. It took us 65 minutes to do it (we reco
google_protectAndRun("ads_core.google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad);
rded each step with a stop-watch). 1. Find an expensive and popular keyword. We used TheDowser Niche Database.

It took us 1 minute. 2. Register a junk domain like "" or "". We haven’t ordered any domain specifically for this purpose, but used one of our experimental domains (totally unrelated to the main theme of MFA web site). 3. Extract search results from Google or any other search engine. It took us 5 minutes. 4. Create HTML page with these search results. It took us 7 minutes. 5. Insert Google AdSense code in the way that search results aren’t visible without scrolling. It took us 10 minutes. 6. Upload html file to your web site. It took us 2 minutes. 7. Create a new Google AdWords campaign for this keyword by copying any other MFA campaign. It took us 10 minutes. 8. Wait for 15 minutes until you will see first clicks from Google AdWords, wait for another 15 minutes until you will see new clicks on Google AdSense. We started to earn $1/day after a single hour of work. $1/day is $33/month, spend 333 days to earn $10,000/month. It’s that easy. This tutorial will definitely increase the number of MFA web sites as well as our previous research on attention grabbing words increased the number of stories with "amazing", "digg", "revealed" words. When the number of MFA web sites will reach the critical mass, Google will turn on its immune system. We all hope that MFA web sites will die soon. Let’s return to the good old days.

by : martin

Article Source:

Crazy AdSense Experiment: $10,000/Month

Crazy AdSense Experiment: $10,000/Month

Have you ever noticed an ad on Google that says "We have found top 4 sites for you" or "More information about ..."? These web sites usually contain nothing but plenty of Google AdSense ads and search results stolen from other search engines.

They provide ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to the users of Google, however they are still alive. Why there are so many good companies that can’t afford Google AdWords advertising while these crappy web sites buy the most expensive keywords? Moreover, these web sites are really annoying if you try to find something useful right now.

Did you know that 80%(!) of ads on insurance are MFA (Made for AdSense)? Recently we collected the database of over 40,000,000 search phrases. From 30% to 90%(!) of ads on Google for the top 1,000 most expensive keywords are MFA.

We hope that this experiment will help Google to open eyes on MFA problem. Fighting this kind of web sites will not only help us to find information we need faster. It will reduce the cost of advertising for ethical companies.

Don’t forget that Google AdWords ad ranking is based on auction system. Less advertisers = reduced click price = happy advertisers = less profit for Google. Maybe it’s the main reason why we still see these junk web sites? In any way let’s come closer to the experiment.

Let the number of MFA web sites grow, let Google be infected until it will train its immune system. Here is a "Developing Made for AdSense Web Sites for Dummies" tutorial. It took us 65 minutes to do it (we reco
google_protectAndRun("ads_core.google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad);
rded each step with a stop-watch). 1. Find an expensive and popular keyword. We used TheDowser Niche Database.

Google Adsense Referral Program is a Good Start

Google Adsense Referral Program is a Good Start

Google has recently announced a Referral Program for its targeted ad delivery system - Google Adsense. Webmasters can now earn an extra $100 for each new referral they deliver to Google Adsense, one condition, that referral must earn at least $100 from the Adsense Program.Webmasters can also receive $1 for each download of the Firefox browser with the Google Toolbar.

Generally, very good news for webmasters and content creators working the Adsense program. like this Bad news for Gates and IE - the Firefox browser has gradually taken away users from IE. reports usage worldwide of Firefox has increased by nearly 3 percent since April 2005, with global usage share now at 11.5 percent for Firefox.Perhaps, the fall out from the ongoing battle for control of the Web's search market will be of some benefit to webmasters.

Google has now increased or given webmasters another revenue stream within the Adsense program. Granted this is only a one time payment and not a two tier system where webmasters would continue to earn a small percentage of their referrals' earnings.

This may be a missed opportunity by Google to really explode the Adsense system.For now, the Google Referral program is a good start in the right direction.

Many webmasters and marketers are having an early Christmas with the announcement of this referral program.Google Adsense is a simple and effective way for ordinary webmasters to monetize their sites. Webmasters place the Adsense code on their sites and Google delivers targeted ads based on the keywords of the sites.

The main key to generating a large monthly income from Adsense lies mainly in the choice of keywords a webmaster decides to display on his/her webpages.All keywords are not created equal. Some are worth more to advertisers and thus Google pays more to webmasters for certain keywords than others. The trick for webmasters is to deliver large amounts of traffic to the top-paying keywords.

What are these top paying keywords you ask?One simple way to find the top paying keywords is to use a site like to find out what advertisers are willing to pay for certain keywords.

Just use common sense -- higher priced items will have usually pay the most. Web hosting vs a toothbrush. Once they have chosen their keywords, webmasters must create content rich pages or sites related to these keywords or phrases.You then have to place your Google Adsense code in the most beneficial positions on your pages.

Check with Google for Optimization Tips for some of the best paying placements here: Adsense is not a perfect system, placing these ads on your sites could draw away potential customers or buyers and result in lost sales for your site.

Besides just placing the 'Ads by Gooooooogle' on a well designed webpage detracts from the professional quality of your pages.

Why Google introduced this for its ads defies reason. A simple 'Ads by Google' would suffice.Many webmasters believe placing Adsense ads on their pages cheapens their sites. Other believe it is delivering valuable links and service to their visitors.

No matter what your opinion may be, Google Adsense is definitely a simple and easy way to monetize your site.The addition of the Referral program will only add to the popularity of Adsense with webmasters. Increased revenue is never a bad thing. like as However, Google should have opened their pocketbooks just a little wider and given content creators a bigger portion of the Internet's ever growing ad revenue.Google should have given the referral program some residual kick, with webmasters earning a small fraction of each referral's future earnings.

What a missed opportunity for Google to really play Santa and give webmasters what they deserve.Webmasters must now lobby Google, and any other ad delivery programs and companies for a bigger share in the revenue generated by their referrals. Fair is fair! Perhaps, the competition from other ad delivery systems will force Google to be a little more generous. In the meanwhile, it would probably be beneficial for many webmasters to use and promote Adsense, at least until a better offer comes along.

by : manoji

source :

Marketing Budgets of Google Adsense

Marketing Budgets of Google Adsense

Running and promoting any business, on or off-line, usually needs massive exposure in your chosen market in order to survive.

Off-line markets tend to be stuck with the more traditional style of marketing, which, traditionally, has been very high risk, high cost, and not very responsive to change.

However, whether your business is on or off-line, there is one common denominator that covers both although for maximum benefit, go to www.adsense-dollar-factory.comyour off-line business really needs some kind of on-line presence, such as even a basic web site.

That common denominator comes in the form of article writing, which can also encompass the power of press releases. You can probably see straight away that there will be a certain amount of crossover, as press releases and articles can appear in hard copy newspaper and magazines as well as on publicity-seeking web sites.

Articles (and to a certain extent press releases) can very rapidly put your business "on the map" and in front of vast audiences if your business can have an on-line web presence. Articles can establish your credibility, your expertise, and your ability to get in front of your competitors, however long they may have been established.

But, many small to medium size business owners fight shy of doing any on-line work with articles as they mistakenly think that to write an article they have to be expert copywriters, or have to employ some expensive consultant to write them. Then, when the article or press release is finished, they think it will cost a fortune to get their content published on the internet. So, what do they do? They stick with what they know, which is 'old fashioned' marketing styles like buying space in newspapers and magazines, that not only cost a fortune, but may take months to get published.

You don't have to be a specialist these days to write quite compelling articles, and you don't need quiet offices to write them. (I wrote this on the London train, and have written a number of articles while flying the Atlantic - beats the heck out of boredom!)

Articles can be written rapidly, and can be distributed rapidly across the internet if you know what to do, and although not as instant as the effects of press releases (which need a different style - you cannot 'Sell' in an article, you can in a press release) results will come in. Properly constructed articles should start to pull sales leads to your company or web page in dribs and drabs within a week or two, and after a month or two should have a regular stream coming in. Even if you don't have a company to promote, for help visit you can still create a very sizeable income with articles either by selling other people's products as an affiliate, or the very lucrative Google Adsense income streams, which are the opposite end of companies’ spending money advertising on Google's Adwords facility.

Write just one article a week, and get it distributed properly, and after three months, you will be very satisfied with the ever-growing sales leads coming your way - which did not cost you an arm an a leg - just a bit of your time.

by : Vishnu

source :

Set AdSense business as a genuine business empire!

Set AdSense business as a genuine business empire!

Google’s Adsense program is very user friendly. The number one reason Google’s AdSense program has far outweighed Yahoo’s Publisher Network is because they’ve been able to spread out as far and wide as possible in as little time as possible. You are now a member of the AdSense Illuminati. The Google Adsense, will display ads relevant to your topics. Build a knowledge site with a blend of affiliate programs along with Google AdSense ads and earn several nice paychecks a month.

The Fix master confided that he used to make a ton of money from adsense but had committed the cardinal sin of spending it just as fast as he made it. Learning from the “legend”, they really treat their AdSense business as a REAL business empire. Have your own web site and join the free ‘AdSense’ program, Google gives you a code that you simply cut and paste into your web pages. With Adsense, you never ever want to click on your own ads go to, take time to learn and take action on registering a domain name and web host, creating web sites using FrontPage, uploading the files using FTP, they can get started immediately with Affiliate marketing and AdSense Publishing. Placing the Google adsense ad in the right spot of the page is crucial to how much money you will make. Google also lets you track your adsense code on different urls (channels) so you can see which web pages or blogs are earning you money. Techniques change on a daily basis, whether your niche is AdWords, adsense, free traffic generating, or affiliate marketing in general.

Things like being able to have an opt-in box, auto responder set up on the back end, RSS feeds, daily new and fresh content that you write, You Tube like videos that are related to the subject matter, AdSense towers, membership capabilities, picture galleries and a whole host of other tricks and tactics. 1) Ways to make money from Adsense by Distributing articles through Ezine and Press Releases One effective method of increasing adsense revenue is simply increasing A number of factors come into play when AdSense tries to determine what the page is about: The URL of the page, the page title, the anchor text of links, the keywords that appear most frequently within the page, search engine queries that lead to the page or to another page that links to the page”. Begin by utilizing AdSense and then add one strategy at a time.

Software that will shell out a fully-fledged website in half an hour (and people expecting to bring online at least 5 of these a week), packages of ready-written Private Label Rights articles, membership sites where for a monthly fee you can get PLR packages on any topic that ranks high in keyword analyses, or ready-made content-rich sites already fitted out with Google Adsense codes. After a few weeks of running Ad links alongside regular Adsense ads, it’s clear that the return on Ad links is about a fifth to a quarter higher than regular ads visit Post product reviews with your affiliate links, banners, Google AdSense and everything else that you would use your website for. This topic area is carefully selected in order produce maximum value from every eventual Adsense click. Immediately I see potential for products such as:- An e-book about headache remedies- An article about headache remedies (Easy Adsense Revenue)- forum, newsletter subscription Easy Adsense Revenue)- An intro page to an affiliate program- All of the above. Firstly, you need software that can build hundreds of your adsense sites fast using reprinted articles.

After all this has been done, all that’s needed is to maintain a stream of content running into the site and put AdSense or affiliate programs on it, and the money should cumulatively start rolling in. Go to Modules, Site Modules and click on the SW Adsense link. However, YPN requires a little more maintenance than AdSense for one very daunting reason. Try to experiment with the background color, font and text colors to achieve the desired click-through campaign and, hence, maximizing your adsense income.


source :

Ways to Make Money With Google AdSense

Ways to Make Money With Google AdSense

Google AdSense is another great method to profit from your Blog or Website. Many believe it is a waste of time because you need thousands of readers to visit your site and make a profit with Google, but what they don't realize is that there are certain steps to take if anyone wants to make money with this method, it's not about pasting a bunch of code and expecting to bring in huge profits with it.

First off using Google AdSense is paid according to how popular the ads are, for example money websites and more specifically Foreign exchange Market ads pay amongst the highest in Google AdSense, of course the competition increases as well so i would suggest to create a website or blog around keywords that would pay on average one dollar or more and average search of three thousand or more per month, this data can be found using Google keyword tool.

One technique I have used is to combine Google AdSense along with affiliate products. The code for Google AdSense should be placed strategically within the website so it looks as part of the site; for example a link unit 728 x 15 could be placed over the content making sure the letter font, the background color is the same as that of your content or if you have a bar across the top of your site make sure you place the link unite there with opposite colors on the letters so it looks like the page menu.

You may place affiliate links on the sidebars. It has been shown that readers prefer the text links rather than the banners with flashy colors, so I would suggest placing text links on the sidebars; you may get these text links from Clickbank or Amazon Affiliate Program.

In summary place Google AdSense strategically within your site content and make sure the ads blend in with your site background color, letter font. Also place affiliate links on the sidebars with text links instead of banners; test these methods and tweak them as you see fit.

Combining Google AdSense and affiliate products should be a good combination to bring in profits if there is a decent base of readers already established but even if the site is new and hardly any followers, these methods should be a good starting point to monetize your sites.

by : Ruben E. Rivera

Article Source:

Google AdSense Account - Getting Started

Google AdSense Account - Getting Started

Google AdSense account is a must have for all those webmasters who wish to make money from their blogs or websites. Getting this account is how ever not easy since many people have misused it before and Google is therefore strict on whom it gives.

The Google AdSense account can be applied for free but one has to read all the laid down guidelines and terms of service provided. They are to be read and understood before actually applying for the account to prepare you. Once you are comfortable with them and ready to abide, you can then go on and apply.

The guidelines and terms of service will help you to create a site that follows them else your application will not be accepted. It's advisable to abide by them because no matter how long you have been active, any break of any of them will lead to disqualification or even banning of the account from participation on this program. Create and complete a simple blog or website which Google will evaluate before they give you an account. It should be simple and with relevant content else they wont accept your application.

Once they approve your account, you can log in and develop ad units, customize them as you want and then paste the JavaScript code generated on to your web pages. The blog or web pages you develop should follow the guidelines provided since existence of unaccepted content is never tolerated under the Google AdSense program.

One thing that makes the Google AdSense program tick is that with only one account approved, you can use the ad units in other websites as well, but be warned that breaking rules will have the AdSense program not working on all of them too.

What remains is now learning to make your blog or website visible to more people and optimizing it for increased revenue.

By : Sullivan Pau

source :

Google Adsense Is a Great Opportunity for Businesses to Advertise Their Products

Google Adsense Is a Great Opportunity for Businesses to Advertise Their Products

Google Adsense is a program that allows businesses to advertise on other websites. They business only pays the host website when a consumer clicks on the link to take them to their website. This is a very effective way of advertising because of the millions of people who access the internet every day. It is also a low cost marketing method that businesses of all sizes can benefit from. Websites are eager to host advertisements for other businesses because it doesn't cost them anything and they earn money for doing it when consumers choose to follow the link from a particular advertisement.

There is no long term contract with Google Adsense. You can choose to leave the program at any time. You will need to provide written notice by mail or email to Google. for more help visit ads will be removed from your website within ten days. They also have the right to discontinue your business from the program at any time for not following their policies. You do have the right to file an appeal if your account is canceled. This gives you the opportunity to discuss the situation with a Google Adsense representative.

You must be approved by Google Adsense before you are allowed to be a part of the program either as a host site for advertisements or to post your ads. The owner of the website must be at least 18 years of age. The approval process involves an application that you complete with information on your website including keywords. You will have a response to your application within two days. Make sure it is completed entirely or your application will be denied.

All communications must take place with Google. This means if you have concerns or issues about an advertisement your business has on a website or about an ad you are hosting on your website everything goes through Google. The two businesses are not to discuss the issue between each other. Google does not guarantee a set amount of clicks or earnings for a host website. It also doesn’t guarantee any increase in traffic or sales for a business.

Google Adsense has the right to use the name of businesses participating in the program for presentations, marketing, and financial reports. Users of Google Adsense are required to pay for the amount of pay per clicks their ads received as outlined. Adsense accounts are non-transferable under any circumstances. They can’t be resold to another provider. A maximum of three ads per webpage can be displayed. For more help visit Advertisements can't be placed on WebPages that don't contain content for your website. A webpage can't be used for the sole purpose of displaying ads to make money.

Google Adsense is a great opportunity for businesses to advertise their products and services on various websites and pay only for the number of consumers who click on the link to go to that businesses website. It is also a great way for a business to make money by hosting advertisements for other businesses. Understanding the policies of Google Adsense will help you determine if the program is right for you. It also helps the program work properly for all those involved in it.

When you have a paid job, your monthly income mainly relies on whether you go to work or not. With affiliate marketing, your affiliates could all just lead traffic to your site without having to lift a finger after providing them your ad copy and links. Though not every web marketer earns limitless it still is a fact that all the necessary matters for the advertiser or Internet marketer are all there to be successful.

4. Go worldwide

with affiliate marketing you are dealing with a global market place. All you have to do is choose a niche product and prepare all the necessary tools for your affiliates to lead traffic from just about anywhere to your website.

5. Low risk

the very main reason for Internet marketer enthusiasm with affiliate marketing is its having a low risk factor. Especially for those with low budget set aside for advertising, affiliate marketing is just the way to do it.

6. No closing time

with affiliate marketing, your business works every single second of the day while targeting a worldwide market! What could be better than that?

But all of these will be put to waste if you do not have the right niche product and all the other important tools to make it big in affiliate marketing, i.e well-SEO-ed website. So better work on this first before ever considering those benefits.

by : prashant sharma

Article Source:

Google Adsense Can Generate A Great Income Stream

Google Adsense Can Generate A Great Income Stream

Google AdSense has become a popular method of placing advertising on a website because the ads are less intrusive than most banners, and the content of the ads is often relevant to the website. Adsense is becoming more and more apparent as a good generator of income.

Google's technology scans your web page and then searches its database of well over 175,000 advertisers to find the ads that are most suitable for your page. It's definitely an inevitable development in the advertising world, and Google is the first to use its advantages through the means of adsense. Google has always been a marketing whiz and AdSense is definitely one of the most significant parts in its marketing machine.

Google has provided a tool that allow the average person the ability to make some great passive income so if you are looking to make some cash using this technique then get ready to learn. It delivers text, image and video ads to the site pages based on the keywords embedded in the site's pages, which have been modified with JavaScript code to accept the ads.

Google Adsense can generate a great income stream. It is truly a profit making program, when you know the right steps to take. AdSense has become a popular method of placing advertising on a website because the ads are less intrusive than most banners, and the content of the ads is often relevant to the website. Google adsense is used most widely for online advertising; Google has created a program that is beneficial to both advertisers and webmasters with their no click no pay” mechanism, or more popularly called pay-per-click” methodology.

Google Adsense income is easy to learn and it's possible to make anywhere from a few dollars to several hundred per day. One of the keys to increasing your Adsense income is by increasing the amount of traffic to your website. The basic ingredients for some passive AdSense income is a website, some code from AdSense, and some basic traffic driving techniques. Another way to maximize your Adsense income is to use Adsense Channels to identify your top-paying articles. The art of maximizing your AdSense income is to understand how to attract high paying ads onto your pages and then drive a lot of traffic to those pages.

Google’s advertising programs are designed to work with sites related to the keywords for the ads that are being presented. Find out about keywords and how to tell which ones your competition are using and why. You can use keyword suggestion tools to find a list of keywords that these companies may use. Add extremely targeted auto-refreshing content to your website by using rotating keyword definitions and put your niche keywords on steroids. As soon as you've determine the high-paying keywords, you can start building your AdSense site around these keywords. If you chose the wrong keywords your website will not work.

Google Adsense is just the work at home job opportunity you need to get you started working at home. Adsense income is a fantastic way to make money online. Google AdSense income is great income for people with all sorts of websites.

The Adsense Dream is a common one for millions of webmasters around the world, and this the reason I still think Adsense income is so amazing. While several successful marketers profess that their Google Adsense income is built upon a few hugely popular websites, the rest win the game with sheer numbers. One way to constantly increase your AdSense income is to continually build content-rich websites.

By: p . Rodgers

Article Source:

Google AdSense Templates and Web Site Monitoring

Google AdSense Templates and Web Site Monitoring

Google AdSense Templates and Web Site Monitoring
There are many ways that web site owners can profit from the power of programs such as Google AdSense, but one of the most effective is through the use of specially designed web site templates. These special templates have been pre-designed and pre-formatted to take advantage of the power of Google AdSense, including all the formatting and placement tips and tricks that the designers have learned through years of hard work and patient testing.

The great thing about using these web site templates is that all the hard work has already been done, and all the owner of the web site needs to do is use the web site template to create his or her own site, using the content of his or her choice. Since the ad formatting and placement issues have already been taken care of, these sites can be up and running very quickly, earning AdSense revenue right from the start.

It is important to mention, however, that it will take some time initially for the new web sites to be ranked and indexed, so it is important to be patient after the sites are set up. In most cases it will take from between two and three months for this indexing and ranking to be completed, so it is important to carefully monitor the results of your AdSense account after that initial time period has passed.

Fortunately Google provides a number of very useful and powerful tools to aid webmasters in monitoring their AdSense enabled web sites. Google's own reporting includes a number of excellent monitoring and reporting tools, providing such vital information as:
The number of page impressions generated by the web site
The number of times the ads on the site have been clicked
The click through rate of the web site
Statistics on the cost per click (CPC) and cost per 1,000 impressions (CPM).

And of course how much money you have earned thus farIt is obvious, of course that this information is vital to the success of the AdSense campaign, and it is important for the owner of any AdSense enabled web site to get into the habit of checking these important statistics on a regular basis. If you own a number of web sites which are generating AdSense revenue, it is important to check each of the sites in order to make sure each one is pulling its weight.

IF all of the web sites have been built around the same web site template, it is important to look closely at other factors that could account for the discrepancy in earnings between the various sites under your AdSense umbrella.

For instance, the differences could be a result of one site having superior web content than the others, or simply a matter of the fact that a particular subject within your web site universe is enjoying a great deal of current interest. No matter what the reason, identifying these discrepancies and taking steps to optimize each of your sites is a great way to keep your AdSense revenue streams at their highest possible level.

To learn more about the power of web site templates and how they can be used to grow and enhance revenues from Google AdSense, just visit for more information.

by : cody moya

source :

Blogs and the Power of Google AdSense Templates

Blogs and the Power of Google AdSense Templates
The only thing that is constant about the internet is that it is a place of constant change. Many of the web sites that were at the top of the heap a few years ago are virtually unknown today, and in order to succeed in this competitive environment it is important to constantly monitor the online environment and determine where to best focus your limited resources.
For those web site owners participating in the Google AdSense program, that means taking advantage of the growing power and influence of the blogosphere to enhance and grow their AdSense revenues. These days AdSense ads are no longer confined to traditional static web pages, and blogs are becoming increasingly popular both in terms of page views and in terms of the potential for AdSense revenue.
Blogs have been growing in power and influence for a number of years now, and the most popular blogs now have enormous influence over subjects as diverse as politics and popular culture. Blogs, as well as the many new social networking sites, are changing the way people use the web, and these changes have in turn triggered a great new opportunity for those who are participants in the Google AdSense program.
The power of blogs means that those who are participating in the Google AdSense program have an opportunity to harness the power of the blog, but it is important for those participants to know how to properly format and place the ads served by Google for maximum impact.
The way people read blogs differs from the way people read traditional web sites, and it is important for those who advertise within blogs to understand this key difference, and how to use it to increase click through percentages and other vital statistics.
One of the most powerful ways to harness the power of these blogs is to use a powerful membership service which is able to provide a number of ready made templates which can be used to create web pages, blogs and other sites.
The great thing about these ready made templates is that they have already been optimized for maximum Google AdSense revenue. By using the latest and most up to date information on what works and what doesn't within AdSense enabled blogs, these ready made templates are able to create blogs in a fraction of the time of the do it yourself strategy.
There is a great deal more information about this powerful new strategy for creating winning AdSense enabled blogs and web sites at This site can provide a great deal of information that is useful both to those setting up a new AdSense program and those AdSense veterans who are looking for a way to grow their earnings and their revenue.
by : cody moya

Friday, July 3, 2009

Google Adsense Decoded shows you techniques!

Google Adsense Decoded shows you techniques!

Techniques he will mention will be things like blending the “look” of your ads into the on the whole design of the page are general knowledge, but Adsense Decoded shows you techniques that have been tested to destruction by the author to make huge earnings. To maximize your potential with AdSense, it is important that your site content is accessible to our content crawler. Many argue Google already dominates the web, why should it not be the one to handle these CPA transactions through its Adsense program.

Learning from the “legend”, they really treat their AdSense business as a REAL business empire. Placing the Google adsense ad in the right spot of the page is important to how much money you will make. Contextual advertising the big come-back of PPC came when Google launched AdSense in 2003, the birth of contextual Advertising. Choose your most excellent Ads colors: Adsense gives a panel control to change text colors, border colors and environment colors.

The time you get this far, you are making money from Adsense, writing articles, creating joint ventures etc. Pay Pal), Text Link Ads (sold for a fixed amount per month), Chitika eMinimalls ads (pay per click), affiliate programs like Amazon, Advertising sold to individual advertisers (three-month campaigns or longer)“A number of factors come into play when AdSense tries to determine what the page is about: The URL of the page, the page title, the anchor text of links, the keywords that appear most frequently within the page, search engine queries that lead to the page or to another page that links to the page”.

Unless you have a decent amount of quality content your blog will appear to be a sleazy MFA site which will have a negative effect on traffic. Things like being able to have an opt-in box, auto responder set up on the back end, RSS feeds, daily new and fresh content that you write, You Tube like videos that are related to the subject matter, AdSense towers, membership capabilities, picture galleries and a whole host of other tricks and tactics.

Now have software that will shell out a fully-fledged website in half an hour (and people expecting to bring online at least 5 of these a week), packages of ready-written Private Label Rights articles, membership sites where for a monthly fee you can get PLR packages on any topic that ranks high in keyword analyses, or ready-made content-rich sites already fitted out with Google Adsense codes. Google’s Adsense program is very user friendly. The number one reason Google’s AdSense program has far outweighed Yahoo’s Publisher Network is because they’ve been able to spread out as far and wide as possible in as little time as possible. Post product reviews with your affiliate links, banners, Google AdSense and everything else that you would use your website for.

You will also come across Google AdWords, when visiting one of the thousands of Google’s webmaster partners, who host AdWords on their web sites, under AdWords sister program, AdSense. Go to, this topic area is cautiously selected in order produce maximum value from every eventual Adsense click. My download page listed all the items I was giving away with quick download links, but also included affiliate links and Adsense ads. Immediately I see potential for products such as:- An e-book about headache remedies- An article about headache remedies (Easy Adsense Revenue)- forum, newsletter subscription (Easy Adsense Revenue)- An intro page to an affiliate program.

All this has been done, all that’s desirable is to maintain a stream of content running into the site and put AdSense or affiliate programs on it, and the money should cumulatively start rolling in. Go to Modules, Site Modules and click on the SW Adsense link. However, YPN requires a little more maintenance than AdSense for one very daunting cause. Try to experiment with the background color, font and text colors to achieve the desired click-through campaign and, hence, maximizing your adsense income.

by : Gaurisept1

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Official Ways to make Money from Google Ad sense!

Official Ways to make Money from Google Ad sense!

In current months, MySpace has generated a huge amount of exposure. This social networking site has become so popular that is reputed to be the most visited English-speaking language website in the world.

While most people use MySpace to connect with friends and loved ones, there is hidden opportunity for smart Internet marketers.

For instance, they know that MySpace contains a virtual goldmine of people who have an interest in a wide variety of products and services. It is just a matter of knowing what to sell them and how to get them to your online website.

So if you are interested in squeezing profit from the 112 million MySpace users, all you need to do is set up easy website. But you might be marvelous what type of business works best with MySpace users.

Well the answer is there are three major businesses that can be effectively marketed to MySpace users:

Google Adsense

the Google Adsense program is one of the best ways generate a profit from MySpace. Since this plan is not famous outside the Internet marketing world, most folks are not aware that it is a type of advertisement.

With Google Adsense, you can generate a profit simply by having people click on an ad. There is nothing to sell or promote, all you have to do is present people with good content and make sure that the Adsense blocks are visible enough to be clicked on.

Because of the wide range of people on MySpace, there is a huge opportunity for any Google Adsense niche. All you need to do is create content that people want to read, insert your Google Adsense and then direct your targeted friends to this webpage.

Then sit back and watch your earnings accumulate while people click on your ads!

Affiliate Marketing

Extensively considered the best way to earn a living on the Internet; affiliate marketing involves sharing revenue between a business (the affiliate merchant) and an individual affiliate.

The affiliate is responsible for driving web traffic to the merchant in exchange for receiving a sizeable commission on any sales that are made.

The principle behind this online business is that the affiliate must target a specific niche, then get people who are interested in that niche to go to the website of the merchant.. The hard part is many affiliates have difficulty locating people who have an interest in a particular niche.

Fortunately MySpace makes it easy to locate people based on their interest in a particular product. All you have to do is create a profile and use the special tools to add friends who have an interest in that niche.

Once you have attracted their attention to your profile, you can use the communication tools on MySpace to present the affiliate product to the user. If they buy from your link, you will get a hefty commission.

Sell Information Products

Just like affiliate marketing, you can easily use MySpace to find people that will have an interest in your information product. The best part is you do not have to split any of the profits like you would with an affiliate program.

With an information product, you can design an entire profile that pre-sells your offer. So when people arrive at your website, they will be targeted and interested in anything that you are selling. All you have to do is create a convincing presentation and the sale will be yours!

All three of these money making models are being successfully used by niche marketers right now!

So don’t sit on the sidelines and watch other people take advantage of this social networking system. Start marketing your business on MySpace at present.

by : harjeet

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Google Adsense Best Ads ?

Google Adsense Best Ads ?

Due to the high revenue that are possible with Google Adsense ads, people like to put them everywhere they can, however, the best source of revenue with Google Adsense ads still remains creating a content filled website.

Due to the high revenue that are possible with Google Adsense ads, people like to put them everywhere they can, however, the best source of revenue with Google Adsense ads still remains creating a content filled website.

So where's the BEST place to put your Google Adsense ads? Adsense websites have great potential if you know how to do it, which is exactly what we want to show you.

What Google Adsense allows is for people just like you to be able to create a content website about anything: something that interests you, something you're good at, or just content that has profitable Adsense keywords, and using the knowledge you have about those topics you profit. Basically Google Adsense allows you to make money with just information.

"Honestly...Quality Content Is Key" Google Adsense will show you just how profitable that quality content is.

Now as we mentioned before, you can create an Adsense website with quality content that you know a great deal about or you can just go for topics you are willing to research in return for their high yield. Top paying Adsense keywords can bring in anywhere from $2-$3.00 a click, up to even $56.00 for just one single click. How insane is that? What makes it even easier, is that you can just buy Adsense website templates (Adsense Turnkey websites), these templates come pre-filled with content on those high and top paying Google Adsense keywords. Then all you need to do is upload those pages and you start making the cash.

The quality content pages attract the reader because they help in some way. In return, Google won't bother us for cheating, and most of the time surfers are more likely to read more information on your site, thus turning each reader into a more likely candidate to click on the Google Adsense ads. Quality content keeps readers, and generates more clicks; Turnkey templates are fast and easy way to get quality content.

Remember, if you want someone to click on Google Adsense ads, they need to stay on the page for while, and if there isn't much content they won't be there for too long.

So either build content yourself, buy templates with pre-written Adsense articles. Each click may not be much, but if you start attracting a lot of readers, and those readers come back, those small payments from each click will quickly add up. Do not underestimate the ability of Google Adsense to make money for you!

"Google Adsense Profits - Where They Start, How They Grow, And How Much Money You'll Make" I'm sure you're wondering how much money you can actually make with Google Adsense.

Starting off you'll probably make around $20-$30.00 a day if you can get some targeted traffic to your site. But that's just the tip of the ice berg for what is possible. Adsense profit can easily be up in the thousands per day if you can do it right.

However that takes time, building, and effort, so if you plan to make much money with Google Adsense you need to stick through to the end and keep adding content pages despite initially low revenue. Its easy to make money with Google Adsense but incase you're doubting me I want to throw out some numbers for you.

You can make your Google Adsense profits grow faster than over 90% of the website using Adsense templates with "Quality Content" today. On average our sites make about $190-$330.00 per day which at the end of the month easily adds up to a decent sum. But we're still in the low end, which is why we keep expanding our content and constantly add more and more information for readers to check out.

With these amazing Adsense website templates with "Quality Content", you are only a few simple steps away from owning a massive network of profitable Adsense websites. All you need to do is register a domain for each site you plan to use, create a web hosting account, update a few files, and then upload all files to your server. Almost overnight you can be the proud owner of a great collection of informative sites that's poised to make you money while you sleep!

Visit us at and you'll get the 40 amazing Adsense website templates with "Quality Content" that can earn thousands of dollars in AdSense profits.

by : Sumit Sharma

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Adsense Secrets to be Successful

Adsense Secrets to be Successful

Adsense sites need planning and work to be successful. If you are thinking of producing sites for adsense income, or perhaps you already have sites that are not producing a good income if any.

To be successful, takes a lot of work no matter what you may read because there are so many people promoting products that promise to make adsense income easy. Well some of these products may help, but there is no simple solution to receiving great income quickly.

Adsense sites need planning and work to be successful. If you are thinking of producing sites for adsense income, or perhaps you already have sites that are not producing a good income if any.

To be successful, takes a lot of work no matter what you may read because there are so many people promoting products that promise to make adsense income easy. Well some of these products may help, but there is no simple solution to receiving great income quickly.

Extensive planning is required before you start. It is important to carefully consider the topics or niches that will be targeted. It is very important to see what type of competition there is for certain niches.

If you are beginning with your adsense sites, it is better to start with niches that are not too competitive.
The reasons for this are that in any niche it will take time to get traffic to the sites and make money.

Extensive keyword research must be carried out before building new sites. It is far better to target say 20 keywords that are not at the top of the keyword results. Many newcomers make the mistake of seeing the high prices that certain words achieve, but do not realise what is involved to compete with these words.

So choose 20 related words to the main keyword, and then build a page for each of these sub keywords. It is very important to have closely themed sites as well, meaning that you are not trying to offer information on a variety of subjects.

Search engines are now looking for sites that offer their visitors good quality information following the keyword searches entered. It is also important to have sites that are easy to navigate, so that visitors are able to find what they are looking for easily. Clear navigation linking is essential.

Another point to remember is that search engines will reward sites that are constantly updated with new content. It is best to work to a plan with new sites that allow new content to be added on a weekly basis.

Incoming links to sites are very important to achieve good rankings in the search engines.
There is only so much on site optimisation that can be done. This includes different keywords and descriptions for each page, use of H1, H2, H3 tags etc.

It is essential that good quality original content is offered to visitors. Due to the abuse that occurred in the past where many people were using various software to produce hundreds of pages of worthless content in literally a matter of minutes to try to make money with adsense.

It is a good idea to work on getting links back to sites on a weekly basis also. Another good idea is to register with directories also on a regular basis.

Adsense can be a good source of income, but it involves a lot of work before the results appear. Extensive research must be carried out to check competition. It is vital to do thorough keyword testing. Then produce sites that are closely themed with a separate page for each targeted keyword.
Then new content and links must be on the agenda for good adsense results.

by : sunny

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Are Articles Needed for Google Adsense Cash

Are Articles Needed for Google Adsense Cash

There is nothing more rewarding than receiving the check of hard earned money. You must have seen thousands upon thousands of online testimonies of how they 'got rich' from Google Adsense and how they make thousands per week. Some of these stories are not entirely false.

The main secret behind making money from Google Adwords/Adsense program is content. There is no shortcut. Content is the first step behind any successful money making website. Of course, there is SEO-ing, but content is what drives the potential customers to your site. How much you are willing to invest will determine how much you will make per month, but it is possible to make money without spending a dime.

First of all, you will need a website. Assuming your content will be purely textual (since Google spiders crawl on text/keywords), you may either get a domain and hosting or choose to post to a blog, or you could sign up for free ad-supported website. It is recommended that if you plan on making money from your website, you ought to get a website with your own domain name, after all, ad supported hosting defeats the purpose of your money making; plus, you want your website to appear as professional and less congested as possible.

Now that you have a website, the next step is getting content for your site, but we'll get to that at the end of this article.

Now that you have a domain name and a niche, you will have to sign up for the Google Adwords Program. Note that Google Adwords enables you to get paid for advertising and Google Adsense is when you will have to pay for advertising.

Now that you have your domain with efficient hosting, and your Adwords account, you will need to build your site. If you are already a site-creating guru, then you are a step ahead. If not, creating your content site is not purely throwing out HTML pages. Sooner or later, content is going to keep growing and you may either get an efficient content manager or get hired help.

Traffic makes the difference between you making money or you not getting a dime. In order to get traffic, you can either optimize your website or get traffic by spamming. Now, remember that spamming will not get you repeat visitors, and will give your business a very bad reputation, plus, spamming may cost your website not to be listed on search engines, and Google has the right, under the 'Terms and Conditions' to revoke your Adwords account. You definitely do not want to start from scratch.

Traffic can come by word of mouth and efficient SEO-ing. SEO is an enormously broad topic that ranges from content, link popularity, link exchanges, keywords, web description, etc., to website rankings and so on. In order to remain on the top of your niche, you will need to always want your customers coming back. In order to keep that traffic flowing, you will need to keep content coming fresh and keeping your site constantly optimized and up to date. You will need to be aware of most common spider crawling techniques and use it to your advantage.

Another most common made mistake in getting website content free and cheap is to copy other websites or repeat the same information (if you have more than one money-making site). This is a bad move! Search engines will see this duplicate content as spam and remove it from searched results. Also, if you copy and paste content that is not yours and/or of public domain you will be infringing copyright. Copyright infringement is a crime.

As far as content goes, you can hire help to write articles or you can conveniently buy articles in bulk. Bulk articles are normally distributed by renowned companies and usually are more cost-efficient. Bulk content is also good if you are thinking of expanding your site. A renowned company that can help you with content and marketing strategies is the Myrdhinn's Private Vault. There are thousands of articles in different niches and since it's from a trustworthy company, you can always return for new quality content.

Remember that signing up for Google Adwords is free. If your website gets rejected at first, don't worry. Just build your site and re-apply. As long as your website is legitimate and is not an 'about-me' site, you are more than likely to get approved. Plus, having an Adwords account opens you to the Google community and you can increase your PageRank dramatically.

by : david jackson

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